Harmless Systems

There is no such thing as harmless software.

Security.txt Browser Extension

A browser extension for displaying security.txt and humans.txt files.

What is security.txt?

security.txt is a proposed standard that provides a means for websites and software authors to define their security policies. This is useful to security researchers or anyone who would like to responsibly disclose a vulnerability to the owners of the website or software. You can view our security.txt file as an example.

What is humans.txt?

humans.txt is a less formal initiative for providing human-readable information about the authors of the website. You can view our humans.txt file as an example.

How does the browser extension work?

As you browse the web and navigate to different websites, the browser extension checks the website to see if it supports either type of file. If it does, an INFO iconicon is shown in the URL bar. You can click this icon to view more details about the text files that were located.

How to install

Firefox Firefox
Install from Mozilla Add-Ons
Google Chrome Chrome and Chromium Chromium
Install from the Chrome Web Store
Microsoft Edge Edge
Install from the Microsoft Edge Addon Store
Source Install From Source
Source code is available on Github and Sourcehut

Comparison to existing extensions

Let's compare our security.txt extension to some other extensions with similar features. We found: infotxt, Security.txt Parser, and Permission to Hack.

The browser compatibility matrix below is based on the respective browser's official "extension store". For example, if the extension was available in the Chrome Web Store, it's marked as compatible (✅) if it was not found in the respective store it's marked as unknown (❓).

Security.txt infotxt Security.txt Parser Permission to Hack
Open Source License
humans.txt Support
Automatic Scanning
Fallback to security.txt if .well-known/security.txt is absent
Multiple Translations
If you are aware of another extension in this category, contact us and we'll add it to this table.

Some examples found in the wild


Contact: mailto:security@vimeo.com
Encryption: https://vimeo.com/.well-known/security-pubkey.txt
Acknowledgements: https://vimeo.com/about/security
Policy: https://hackerone.com/vimeo
Signature: https://vimeo.com/.well-known/security.txt.sig
Hiring: https://vimeo.com/jobs


Contact: https://hackerone.com/github
Acknowledgments: https://bounty.github.com/bounty-hunters.html
Preferred-Languages: en
Canonical: https://github.com/.well-known/security.txt
Policy: https://bounty.github.com


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 Slack is made by Slack Technologies: https://slack.com


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More Information

See the product page for security.txt for additional information.